Thursday, August 3, 2023

Super MAYhem 17: Super Mario Doom Patch

Heads up, this game is kinda on the violent side, being a mod of Doom and all, so please keep that in mind before you continue reading.

Also I promise Doom will not become a super-recurring topic of this blog, it's just hard to put down for long because of the infinite replay value the dozens and dozens of mods provide.

Anyways, now that I have your attention, what do I have in store for everyone today? Well, if you’ve been following me for quite some time on various sites over the years, you might have clued in that I’ve always been a pretty big Mario fan (especially in the 2000’s and early 2010’s) considering the name of this very blog. However, I cannot say the same for id’s legendary Doom franchise, which I got into somewhat late, in 2015 to be exact, from a combination of a friend in the Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch gifting me a copy out of the blue and… a custom mod from late 2012 that replaced all the characters and enemies with Mario equivalents, fittingly titled “Super Mario Doom”. Doomguy of course became the famous man in red with an arsenal of Mario and Nintendo-themed weaponry, the Zombiemen became different ranks of Koopa Troops, Demons became Chain Chomps, and the mighty Bowser himself would replace the dreaded Cyberdemon. Five years later, another Mario-themed mod would surface, doing the opposite of Super Mario Doom: place Doomguy and pals (as in, the demons you) into Mario’s world to turn the Mushroom Kingdom into a literal hell-hole. This mod was known as Super MAYhem 2017, and it included 28 new Mario-themed maps to shoot through.

But what if you were to mix the two mods together to make it a complete Mario experience from head to bottom, with some modifications to make it work in older versions and source ports of Doom? Well, in 2020, modder Doomkid would port Super Mario Doom into the Vanilla Doom format with the original Doom color palette, allowing it to be used on a greater range of source ports from old to new. It was from there that I, out of sheer curiosity, decided to test the vanilla edition of Super Mario Doom with Super MAYhem 2017. It worked great, but I did notice that some of the converted assets didn’t look their best when thrown directly into Super MAYhem 2017 since it used a slightly different palette and a custom final boss with its own set of sprites. And thus, during a brief break that I was taking in November/December, I recreated the Vanilla Edition of Super Mario Doom using sprites from the original Super Mario Doom mod but converted to Super MAYhem 2017’s palette and with some small touches and cleanups here and there.

The result is what you see here: a custom version of Vanilla Super Mario Doom made specifically (and only for) Super MAYhem 2017. At the moment, it’s mostly just color changes and restorations while maintaining vanilla Doom compatibility. I do have plans to make further changes, but for now I have my hands full in too many pies to be finding room to slot this project in, especially when I'm still mostly alien to Doom modding.

Anyways, you can grab the download for the initial version here. All relevant information is tucked away in the attached readme file, including the links and associated credits mentioned above. 

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