Monday, March 21, 2016

Custom Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 paths

Early in 2012, I discovered Buggy's Path Maker, a tool that lets you colorize default paths in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 into completely new paths. So being the huge color nut that I am, I couldn't help but make a few of my own.

Here you'll find 63 different paths creates by yours truly. To use them locate RCT2's "ObjData" folder in the place you have RCT2 downloaded, and move the provided .DAT files from the download into the folder. Let the game download everything, and before you know it the paths will now be available for use in the Scenario Editor.

Permission not required for use, credit is appreciated if any of the paths are used in a scenario or an online server in OpenRCT2.


kit10n said...

link not working

Justin De Lucia said...

Updated the link- try it now.

Anonymous said...

Where is the link?

Justin De Lucia said...

For some reason I had accidentally made it black, it's under the second image.