First off, I must state the following: Recently I (finally) created an Xbox Live Gamertag. Guess what it is: Superjustinbros. So if any of you want to find and add me as a friend, feel free to do so. I'll be pretty much playing Halo: Reach online. Why? Because it kicks bum. Nuff Said.
On top of that, I've also been playing Angry Birds on the iPod Touch. And trust me, I love it. Just as much as Trainyard on the same exact system, Angry Birds is a fantastic puzzler that will have you addicted for several days, if not weeks trying to beat it all.
I also got Scott Pilgrim vs. the World on DVD. Haven't watched it all yet (apparently due to stuff I shouldn't be mentioning.), but I plan to soon. When exactly I'm not sure, but on the bright side, I also got and played part of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: the Game.
Well, that's all for now. ^__^;;