For all the patient souls out there, here it is: all the cosplay photos I took during my 10-hour(!) stay at Anime NYC 2018, the final convention of the year too as a matter of fact.
If you're wondering, yes, this is only the first day- I could not join the second or third days because of personal schedules conflicting with the con's.
Otherwise, there you have it. The convention season of Fall 2018 draws to a close (including two major ones and two... admittedly lesser conventions (one of which I'd barely call a convention to begin with)), so I can finally get back on track with my personal arts and other projects until the spring/summer con season starts with Castle Point Anime Convention 2019. Other than that, expect me to make grand returns to AnimeNEXT, EternalCon, Long Island Retro Gaming Expo, New York Comic Con, and of course AnimeNYC next year.